Fast forward to 2011: That guy was our Associate Pastor, Dan Carroll. My nudge from God led to a meeting over coffee, several conversations and ultimately God calling the Carroll family to serve alongside us at Mosaic. Dan, Kelly and Jake are more than ministry partners and more than good friends. They are family! One of the greatest privileges and benefits of pastoral ministry is the amazing people God puts in our life to serve alongside for a season. Over the years I have been incredibly blessed to serve alongside some of the most creative, gifted, passionate, committed and authentic people in pastoral ministry. My life and faith is better because of them. Dan Carroll is one of those people!
He has made my faith stronger, challenged me to grow as a person and minister, and been a trusted friend who loves me unconditionally. The greatest compliment I can pay to Dan is that he has been the hands and feet of Jesus in my life and countless others while serving at Mosaic. I only hope I have been half as much to him.
In mid-September, Dan, Kelly and Jake will begin a new season of ministry at Renewal Church in Greenville. Dan will be leading their college student ministry. While it's sad to see them leave Mosaic, it's obvious God has been working in this for a long time. We will miss them terribly, but we know this is what God wants and to do anything less than to support them would be to stand in God's way. Dan, Kelly and Jake, you have our love, prayers and support as you pursue God's plan and purpose for your lives. By the way, keep your ears and eyes open for God. Just like that day with Dan, God nudged me to contact him. Pay attention, God's nudge's may not make sense at the moment, but He knows best. I'm glad I listened to Him regarding Dan Carroll! Who, or what is God nudging you to act? On behalf of the Carter's, I offer this traditional Irish blessing for the Carroll's with much love:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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