Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Not As Big As Feb. 13th

Valentine's Day has never been a huge day for us like it is for some couples.  We're not anti-Cupid and we aren't against couples that make a big deal over it.  There are a couple of reasons why it's not as big to us.  The first is that our anniversary is only 19 days after Valentine's Day and we make a big deal about that date.  The second reason is because Valentine's isn't as big to us as the day before, February 13th.   There are three big reasons why Feb. 13th is so important to us.  

The 13th is the day my mother; our son, Casey; and our granddaughter, Nolynn were all born!  It's a trifecta for our family.  Here are the three generations: 80, 29 and 2 yrs. old.

While Cupid packs a big midwinter punch in terms of retail sales, God packed an even bigger one in terms of blessing for our family on February 13th.  Each one of them fearfully and wonderfully made.  Each one bringing us joy, and especially for me, one of them literally brought me life.

So enjoy the flowers, candy, and intimate dinners with your Valentine!  Have a blast.  As for us, we've got three Valentine's that have captured our hearts and we are forever grateful!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Monty, just beautiful!!