Sunday, January 27, 2013


There is something incredibly powerful about the gift and actions of "presence".  Presence is "to be with" someone and acting in the full kindness of God's love.  Presence is the small group member who shows up at the hospital to hold the hand, or hug someone in their group who is there because of a family member.  Presence is going with someone to the doctor so they aren't alone.  Presence texts someone who is far away but battling something and just reminding them you are in their corner.  Presence can be a word, but it's more about physically being there.  Presence doesn't even need words to touch, or change a life.  Some people have it and some people don't.

Sunday I was once again reminded of what makes our community of faith a little different than some others.   One of our unspoken slogans is , "Mosaic a place where no one is alone."  At the beginning of worship a man in our church who came with his entire family got up and moved to another section to sit next to a student who was sitting alone because the friend he came with was helping to lead worship.     He exercised the ministry of presence.  He didn't have to say a word.  His presence told the young man that he was not alone and he was part of a larger family whether he knew it or not.  I suspected as much when I saw it take place, but when it was confirmed after worship I was beaming inside because this is the work of God's heart.  Just like the people from our church who serve the homeless once a month near downtown Greenville.

Thanks Drake for living out what we profess and reminding all of us that no one is alone in the body of Christ!

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