Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dad & Daughter on Amusement Ride Goes Viral!

This is hysterical.  Props to the Dad for going to the mat for his daughter!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Leave the Rearview in the Rear

Sunday we looked at the story of Stephen who was martyred for his faith.  One of the things we observed was that Stephen was forward-looking and living.  Even as he was being pressed by the Jewish leaders and a hostile crowd stirred up by his false accusers he never looked back.  He focused on what was ahead.  He gazed upward an kept his sights on heaven and God’s glory.  Instead of trying to defend his life he sought to honor God.  The rest of us would’ve cut and run from such a vitriolic crowd, but not Stephen.

So many of us are prone to focus on life’s rearview mirror.  We blame the past: people, decisions, life situations and formative years for our present situation.  Hear me, I get that a lot of us have experienced real pain as a result of the actions of others, or poor choices we have made.  While the past is part of who we are it doesn’t have to rule.  Just because someone has hurt me in the past doesn’t mean I have to hurt others, or carry it around for life.  No, I will never forget it and I shouldn’t.  I should face it head on, process it, deal with it and grow from it.  However, I am not going to let it hold my future hostage.

Every single day (heck, sometimes every minute) we have a choice how we are going to react and respond to events and people around us.  We can choose our attitude for the day instead of letting someone else determine it.  Don’t let the past paralyze your ability to serve, love others, experience joy, and drink from God’s well of life.  Take your eyes off the rearview mirror and look through the windshield.  Learn, grow and heal from the past, but focus on the moment at hand.  Live here and now with an eye on the future.

Imagine if Stephen had lashed out in defense of his life?  He would’ve been perfectly justified in trying to avoid physical harm and death.  However, his story is one of hope in the face challenge.  His story finds joy in the middle of pain.  His story shows how humility ushers in the glory of God.  There’s an old golf line, “choose your line and trust your swing.”  Tomorrow morning when our feet hit the floor we, by the grace of God, get to choose our line.  So lean into God, choose your line and trust your swing.  Cancer taught me to redeem the moment, and choose joy despite the presence of real pain.  Oh to have faith like Stephen’s.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God’s Double Gift

A rare gift from God on the way home today, a double rainbow!    Enjoy the promise!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Debt Reduction

Seems like everyone is talking about reducing debt these days.  From government to business to personal finances the call is strong and loud to reduce our debt.  I wholeheartedly agree.  It’s the smart thing to do so future generations aren’t saddled with our debt.

While we’re on this debt kick I think it’s a good idea for Christ-follower’s (generous estimates say there’s anywhere from 1.5-2.5 billion, or a 1/3 of the world’s population) to work on our debt.  Paul said we shouldn’t owe anyone anything except for the BIGGEST debt we owe:

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. (Romans 13:8 NIV)

James called it the “royal law of love”.  The love debt is at the heart of the Old and New Testament’s.  So how are you doing on paying down your part of the debt?

Paying off debt requires discipline, commitment and hard work.  I have never said this was easy, or that I’ve mastered the practice.  Loving others without condition requires discipline, commitment and hard work.  If love were easy the world would be one peace-filled place. Divorce, abuse, crime and social injustice would be headed toward elimination.   If we were more intentional about paying off our debt of love churches would be filled and fewer people would be opposed or hostile to Christianity.

We seem to be good at “paybacks” (eye for an eye, etc.), but God had something else in mind than getting even with our fellow humans.  Love pays off, not back.  I’ve discovered that I owe so much and the best place to start paying is wherever we are right now!  There’s always someone nearby who needs to be loved.  So are you ready to pay down some love debt?  Give it a shot.  You will be shocked at the dividends that come your way as your heart becomes rich in gratitude.

Monday, June 04, 2012

A Simple Thing in Great Love

Mother Teresa said, “Do simple things with great love.”  I think this is the best description of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.

Serving is contagious.  Serving gives our lives meaning and purpose.  Serving allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  Serving opens the heart to others and God.  Serving gives preference to others and keeps us from thinking too highly of ourselves.  Serving isn’t complicated.  Serving is not optional for Christ-followers.  We are called to serve in the name of Christ.  The church is at her best when Christ-followers are actively serving.

Saturday our little churched served the community with a FREE carwash (no donations!).  No distinctions were made between old cars and new cars.  EVERYONE got the same attention to detail and care.  EVERY beneficiary of our service tried to donate money and couldn’t understand why we wouldn’t take it.  One woman incredulously asked, “Why won’t you take a donation?  Why are you doing this?”

I replied, “Because God has been gracious, loving and kind to us through Christ, we can’t help but be gracious and kind to others.”  Her eyes filled with tears of joy and the words would not come.  Without realizing it she had said a mouthful.  Yes, simple things done with great love will change the world!