Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Midweek Ramblings

In no particular order or priority. Just observations, ramblings and tidbits. And yes, that's the famed Gaffney Peach, not a posterior pose. Won't be long before our sweet SC peaches are here. A trip up 85 is in order. Okay here's the junk:

Anybody see the VW commercial with Bobby Knight interviewing a classy Beetle? Hysterical, he ends up throwing his chair. Apparently the "General" can laugh at himself.

Starbucks has started this new marketing thing after noon in all their stores. Say what they want, I've heard the corporate mantra, it's about saving money. They no longer offer a mild, bold and decaf drip brew. You get your choice of the featured coffee ("Pike's Place" I think right now). So for the latte, cappuccino, machiato and frap crowd things are the same, but those of us who prefer a robust, bold, drip cup of coffee in the afternoon are left to order an Americano, or shot of espresso. Then again, those of you who love McDonalds or Dunkin' Donuts coffee are immune. It's not worth burning my Starbucks card, but it is a downer. Hey, they even changed the cups to brown for this promotion. Mistake, but what do I know! Bring back the green siren Howard, please!

Azaleas are busting all over here in SC. Between the Azaleas and magnolias it's beautiful. Thank you God for painting the Spring picture. It's replete with your beauty and grandeur.

Watched portions of the Democratic debate, or discussion Wednesday night. Glad I DVR'd Law and Order and a Seinfeld rerun. Just think we've got six months of this stuff to go. Endless political ads, point and counter point, urban legends, and people from both sides trying to woo our vote. Study the candidates, pray and ask God to guide and be open to what He says.

A pediatric allergist was on the Today Show this morning warning those of us who have seasonal allergies to watch out for tree and grass pollen. I learned that when we come home in the peak pollen season we are covered in the dust and should take a shower before bed and get out of our clothes immediately, especially if we've done an outdoor activity or worked in the yard. Or you could just pop a Claritin, Allegra or Zyrtec.

Watched a fascinating show on Discovery Channel about the men and women who watch the skies tracking space junk and asteroids headed near earth. Pretty scary what's floating around out there. Is Discovery Channel great or what?

Heard John Eldredge Monday night. He spoke in Spartanburg. He's on a 10-day tour promoting his new book, Walking With God. Classic Eldredge. Gets better every time I hear him. He's a mystic, poet, storyteller and masterful teacher. Loved his challenge to the church for promoting the non-biblical heresy that is big here in the South: "If it happens it must be God's will." Go John, I'm with you. Far too long God has been getting credit for stuff that is just not biblically Him!

Just when I think about complaining about the price of gas, I'm reminded of the danger the average Iraqi or Kenyan experiences just trying to get groceries. It's life or death for them. I need to hold my tongue and keep an eye on the global perspective. We are indeed blessed in this land called America.

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