Sunday, June 08, 2008

Godly Fathers

Our world could use some "Godly" fathers.  I don't mean fathers who are gods, or think they are either.  I mean men who love Christ first and foremost, their spouse, children, neighbors and work in that order.  We need more men in our homes, churches, corporate board rooms, offices and communities who are          panting and hungering for the things of God.  Many fathers hunger for things like, position, prominence, money, a better golf game, power, and affluence.   

After motherhood I would rank being a Dad as one of the noblest, most challenging and rewarding endeavors.  Sorry guys but the gals really do have it in that category.  I've yet to meet a man who could equal a godly mother.  Seriously, being a godly father is incredibly tough in today's world.  Today's father's battle all kinds of expectations both perceived and real.  

Godly fathers accept their human limitations and imperfections.  They know they are flawed before God, but understand that we are all works in progress.  Godly fathers weep over the sins of others.  Not because they are judgmental, but because they resonate with the Apostle Paul in Romans 7 and understand the reality of struggles in the flesh.  Godly fathers exhibit wisdom, discernment, hard work, compassion, grace under pressure, humility, social graces, courage, forgiveness, unconditional love, leadership and a sense of humor.  Godly fathers rise to the occasion whenever their family, country, church, neighbor, or friends are in need.  They are also great cheer leaders who encourage their spouses and frequently remind their children how proud they are of them.   The Bible is full of examples of godly fathers.   Abraham comes to mind.   

Most of all, godly fathers exhibit faith, even when everything around them seems to be coming apart.  Oh they get scared, but they trust God because they have seen His protection, provision and faithfulness many times before.  Their praise of God isn't limited to their life circumstance. They bring God glory in the darkness as well as the light.  If you had or have a godly father give thanks to God.  If you're a father it's never to late.  

I'm doubly blessed.  I have two godly fathers.  My blood father and my father-in-law.  Oh they are far from perfect, but both (Bill and Gene) have modeled the faith and character I'd love to see my daughter marry one day.  "Last of the good guys," is the way we describe them in our family.  Thanks Dad and Dad Mills for simply being yourselves.  You are loved and greatly respected.  

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