Sunday, October 19, 2008

America Needs More Than Obama or McCain

Let's pretend you've been in space for the last 24 months and you just returned to earth, to be more specific the United States. You turn on the television, or log onto the Internet to catch up. If you listen to the political talking-heads (media pundits, campaign spokespersons and political analysts) the presidential election is about the redemption or salvation of America. One side sees it as an opportunity to change (gotta love the way both sides have abused that word) the direction of the country and rescue it from impotent leadership and stale policies. The other sees it as an opportunity to maintain the military security and strength of the country, while seeking less government intrusion. While the two sides share some ideas and opinions, they are far apart in ideology. By now the die-hard supporters in each camp are saying I've oversimplified very complicated issues and differences. Die-hard's be careful both candidates seem to be having a little trouble with the facts. There's a whole independent, non-partisan, non-profit website dedicated to clearing the confusion BOTH candidates seem to be having with various facts in regard to policies, proposals, and examples :

My point in this post is not to endorse a candidate. Sorry to disappoint those on the right or left. That's an informed decision (and prayerful one if you are a Christ-follower) you've got to make for yourself. My role as a minister is to share the Gospel, not tell people how to vote, or to make you feel less godly because of your presidential choice. I know there are plenty of other ministers who are, and will gladly do this for me.

Put both candidates aside for a moment. Heck, put both political parties aside. If you are a Christ-follower honestly answer one question for me. Do you really, in all seriousness believe the redemption and salvation of our nation lies in the hands of either candidate or party? While I still occupy some rental space in this earth suit of mine, I do not believe for one minute that my salvation, redemption, hope and future lie in either party or candidate. They are mere mortals, who are as deeply flawed as the rest of us. Study history, specifically revival history and you quickly learn that God transcends political parties and is more interested in people turning their hearts toward Him, repenting, and trying to order their lives around His Word. Party affiliation, candidate choice, skin color, education, and socioeconomic status don't even play a part in this. Those are anthropomorphic characteristics that may play well in a political stump speech, but God looks way beyond them and goes straight for the heart, motive, character and attitude.

In 1904, a 20-something, pre-ministerial student was challenged during a campus revival and moved to pray a simple prayer, "O God bend me." God used that simple, four-word prayer uttered by Evan Roberts to fan the flames of the well known Welsh Revival. It's impact on the culture is well documented. Crime dropped, alcohol-substance abuse was lowered, pubs lost business, and the gods of sport (soccer and football) saw a dramatic drop in attendance because people were more interested in gathering with other Christ-followers to worship and learn more about God's Word. Think about that last one in light of the prices we pay for our favorite college or pro team and the hours we invest as fans! Over a two-year period thousands came to Christ and sought to conform their lifestyle to His image (Ephesians 2:5-10 and Galatians 2:15-20). Lives and a culture were changed for the better because God's people got on their knees and cried out to God. If Christ-followers residing in the United States long and yearn for change we would do well to pray the prayer of Evan Roberts.

I know this is not a popular statement, but we are NOT a Christian nation. We are a secular, republic whose forefathers fled the tyranny of state imposed religion. A Christian nation is one that seeks to order its government and affairs around the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. While America invokes the name of God, we do not invoke the name of Christ in regard to our founding documents (Constitution; Bill of Rights, etc.), nor do we seek to employ His most difficult teachings (e.g., "If your enemy is hungry feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this you will heap burning coals on his head."). The Christian nation was established by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ long before the red, white and blue, much of the known world today even existed. It is a global nation filled with color and many different languages. It's power and authority does not reside within a geographic border, document or government building, but with a Savior. Its presence resides within the hearts of those who profess and follow Christ.

I love my country and I want God's best for her, but professing Christ-followers better quit seeking our salvation, and hope in the human leaders of a secular republic. We had better get on our knees, confess all known sin, repent of our sins, seek to order our lives around Christ and the Word of God and join Him where He is working. Yes we need to be informed voters, but if we want meaningful change in our country and communities, then we (Christ-followers) are going to have to begin with ourselves and our respective churches. A country is simply a reflection of the hearts of her people. Right now that's not very pretty because it seems to be a portrait that's more self-consumed and affluence-obsessed than ever before. Call me negative, call me cynical, but I challenge anyone to read the words of Christ and look at our government and tell me we are even remotely close to emulating His teachings and life model. We're not and we should not. That's the role of the church, the bride of Christ. It's high time the church accepted her role and we got on our knees and joined Evan Roberts' prayer, "Oh Lord, Bend Me!" Our churches, communities, nation and world desperately need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that just about sums it up!