Friday, February 24, 2012

A Faith Hero

This is Charlie Summey a cancer warrior and my friend! He is battling stage 4, glioblastoma, brain cancer. To say he's a faith hero of mine would be an understatement. He is such an encouragement to me.

I can't tell you what an inspiration he is to me. He underwent brain surgery at Duke in January and has started chemo and radiation here in Greenville.

Charlie is a fellow pastor, but more than that he's my friend. While I was going through treatment for lymphoma, Charlie was there for me. I don't know what else to say in that regard except that during my baldness, chemo and radiation he was there for me. The care, compassion, empathy, humor, grace, dignity and love he bestowed upon me during my treatment was one of the greatest sources of comfort. He probably had no idea at the time what his words and friendship meant to me. He does now!

Little did either of us know that while he was encouraging me a tumor was growing in his head that wouldn't surface until right before New Year's. He is a fighter. He is authentic as they come. All over Greenville there are bumper stickers and armbands that say, "Running with Charlie". I'm so proud to call him my friend.

He is reminding me about the depth of God's grace, dignity and the power of faith. Would you please pray for my friend? He is fully human, but so utterly drenched in heaven's grace. He makes me laugh, cry and smile a lot.

I know the NFL, NBA, and college athletics produce a lot of heroes. However, those of us who are cancer warriors know that the real heroes are ordinary people, like you and me who are facing the fierce battles of life on the front lines every day. No press, no media, no Tweets. Just regular Joe's and Jill's doing battle with a fierce opponent. They are sitting in infusion centers, awaiting radiation, and facing the fiercest of all battles with dignity, humor and grace.

Charlie, God is smiling on you! You are running an incredible race and we are cheering for you friend. Godspeed my brother. I love you and I know you are in the relentless grip of God's grace!

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