Friday, August 17, 2012

No Drama Please!

I am declaring a "No Drama Day!"  It seems like "drama queens" are everywhere and before you think drama is confined strictly to the female gender think again.  Guys are every bit as capable and guilty of fomenting drama as their female counterparts.  In fact the most recent offenders I've observed have been men.  The college of fine arts I attended within my university was filled with artists, dancers, musicians, actors, and vocalists.  It was a breeding ground for drama.  And the majority of the drama came from guys!

People belch up their drama in the workplace, church, school, home and in the community.  When drama swirls everything else takes a back seat.  That means good, worthy and well meaning events, ideas, acts and conversation get pushed aside because the drama takes center stage.  Drama is singularly focused.  It doesn't allow anything else to flourish.  The drama becomes the story.

Get behind, or beyond the drama and you will find broken, hurting, wounded people.  People who experienced something traumatic, devastating, or horrible in their formative years, or in a previous marriage, or relationship.  Things like addictions, anger, a controlling spouse/parent, abuse, loss of someone close, divorce, or some specific event that remains unresolved and unprocessed with a seasoned counselor, or therapist, pastor, or small group.  Show me someone who thrives on drama in one area of their life and I will guarantee there is drama in every aspect of their life.  Yes, all of us have our dramatic moments, but I'm talking about people who are always surrounded by it.

Drama is especially troubling among Christ-followers.  We're supposed to give preference to others, love unconditionally, practice forgiveness, turn the other cheek and be last.  We're to practice humility, patience, self-control, goodness, reconciliation and kindness.  However, when we spew, foster or foment drama we resign ourselves to flesh.  We can smother it in the "language of Zion" to make it sound spiritual, but at the end of the day it's about self and it's nearly always about control.

There's enough drama in the world.  God's people need to suck it up and practice what we profess, preach and expect of others!  

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