Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rest In Sweet Jesus Wendell!

Heaven got a little more crowded this morning.  Wendell Knight went home to be with the Lord after a long battle with cancer.

Wendell and Darlene are like surrogate parents to me.  We grew up in their home, took vacations together and worshipped together during my childhood years.  Wendell and Dar are among my parent's oldest friends.  Both Wendell and Dar hail from my Dad's hometown in West Kentucky.

You wouldn't know Wendell, he wasn't famous, but he was big in God's eyes!  He was a man of great faith who lived what he preached.  He was one of my faith heroes.  I could get up very early, work like a dog and never have the depth of faith and character of Wendell!  His life was authentic and honest.  No one enjoyed a joke or a laugh more than Wendell.  He knew how to hold confidences and you could trust his word.  He had a generous, encouraging, servant's heart and of all the biblical characters he brings to mind, none sticks out more than Barnabas, the encourager.

Wendell coached me in baseball, softball, and basketball.  He taught me how to do a belly-flop in a pool and how to body surf at Myrtle Beach.  When he was near you knew the kids were gonna get ice cream!   Dar and Wendell's home was my home growing up.  And they accepted me with all my PK struggles of growing up in the fish bowl of ministry.  They provided  a "safe place" for my sister and me to be regular kids in a day and age when know one knew how important that was to minister's kids and their overall mental and emotional health.  I will be forever indebted to Wendell and Dar for those "safe" years.

Scripture says, "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints."  I know God smiled this morning as Wendell passed from this imperfect, blemished world into the arms of sweet Jesus.  Sleep well Wendell.  Well done, good and faithful servant! Now enjoy the place God has prepared for those who are in Christ!

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