Monday, December 17, 2012

What Can Be Done Immediately?

Here we go let's dive into some controversial waters.  My goal isn't to appease or endear myself to any side of the gun debate.  Let me begin by saying that I am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and responsible gun ownership.  I have no problem with background checks and registering every single gun purchase.  And I do not believe semi-automatic weapons should be easy to purchase or acquire, especially for those who are mentally disturbed.  Every gun owner should welcome responsible gun ownership just as every responsible driver must register their automobile, show proof of insurance and possess a valid driver's license to drive.

As a Christian minister I couldn't disagree more with former pastor, presidential candidate and now Fox TV commentator, Mike Huckabee regarding the cause of the violent acts in Newtown, CT.  Huckabee said the violence has occurred because we have "taken God out" of our schools.  No, Mr. Huckabee this occurred because of the depravity of humanity.  It's as old as the fall of Eden and an elementary, foundational biblical principle!  It precedes America and public school education.  Your comments were at best ill-timed and at the worst political panhandling to your base.  Such political pandering does nothing to help seek a solution to this growing national problem.  I apologize for getting off track.  Back to my point.

There is going to have to be a national conversation with educators, mental health experts, law enforcement, responsible gun owner organizations, first responders, clergy, medical professionals, parents, representatives of surviving family of mass shooting victims, lawmakers and the judiciary.  It's more than a "gun problem".  Each of the last four mass shootings (and every one before) involved someone who was mentally unstable.  Anti-gun folks you need to be willing to consider that out of the thousands of responsible gun owners these tragic events were perpetrated by sick, irresponsible people. Gun owners you need to be willing to admit that we've got to have this discussion and cannot blindly hide behind the Second Amendment!  There are 20 small caskets in Connecticut as to why we need to have this conversation, not counting the previous ones from Aurora, Columbine, Paducah, Virginia Tech and beyond.  I don't have a long-term answer, but I do have a suggestion for an immediate response until this conversation takes place.

Mr. President, issue an executive order with Homeland Security funding that will provide armed police officers at every public elementary school campus.  Since most middle schools and high schools have school resource officers the focus could be on elementary school campuses.  However, those middle and high school campuses that do not have a resource officer should be included.  This is more important than raising taxes, lowering the deficit, or avoiding the fiscal cliff.  This will provide an immediate response with professionals who are already trained for potentially dangerous situations with armed combatants.  It will also allow the space and time needed for a rational conversation to take place with those previously mentioned.  I would have no problem personally paying 1% more in federal taxes per year to support such a provision for our schools.  I have a hunch a strong majority would be willing to do the same for the sake of our children.

Meanwhile, heartache, grief, pain and tears continue in Newtown.  And has anyone thought that with every mass shooting those victims in communities of previous tragedies have to relive it all over?  May God be with all of you, we hold you in our hearts, thoughts and prayers!

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