Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This Side of Easter

At Sunday's Easter worship Pastor Charlie Boyd used the backdrop of Noah's story in Genesis to remind us how far humanity had fallen, and as a result of our sin, how desperately we need to be rescued through Christ's Resurrection.

It was a great Easter message, but an early statement he made as he unpacked the depth of human depravity and the human destruction of God's perfect creation really made me stop and think: "We broke it and we blame God!"

How often do we blame God for our mistakes? So many times we make bad decisions, or exercise poor judgment and instead of accepting personal responsibility for the results we dump it on God.  We reason: "If only God had...." or we ask, "Why did God......"

The truth is that God gets blamed for a lot of things He doesn't do, or cause.  We forget that God never intended for us to fall.  He created a perfect world and humans chose the imperfect.  Human depravity and sin should be blamed instead of God.

Pastor Charlie's quote stirred me to think and ask myself, "How often do I blame God?"  How about you?  Is there something for which you are blaming God?  Thank God for Easter grace and the ability to see our flawed lives in light of God's imputed righteousness through Christ!  Grace is God's response to our imperfect and flawed lives.  Instead of blaming God why not ask Him to show us where we made a mistake, poor decision, or sinned?  Then we can humbly accept responsibility and embrace His forgiveness.  Let's live this side of Easter!

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