Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blogfast, Birdie and Claire

It's (6/7) and I'm on a blog-fast, but will be back in a couple of weeks. The crazy summer pace has already hit and my calendar and heart are full with ministry and family matters. Having a newborn in the house just reiterated our need for some sacred space. So the blog was the first thing to put on hold. I plan to use the time to wrestle with crate training, house training and resolve the midnight ear-piercing cries of our new baby.

Her name is Birdie. She's not quite six-weeks old and is already 14 lbs! She is half Newfoundland (The Water Rescue breed) and half Great Pyrenees. Yes, we did our homework and we know she's going to be one big dog. She was born on a goat farm where her Dad was a working dog. Call us crazy and please go ahead and reserve a padded room, or minimally some psychiatric outpatient care.

I shamelessly admit that we are dog people! This little gal is quickly becoming spoiled and stealing our hearts when she can stay awake. Okay, so maybe dogs aren't your thing. Maybe you golf, collect antiques, travel abroad, have a boat, or own a second house. You get the idea.

On a very serious note. Please go to the following Care Pages site and check on a precious little girl that has captured the heart of our faith community. Be careful before you go there because she will steal your heart. Her name is Claire and she has been diagnosed with a very rare disease known as "Leigh's Syndrome".
Go to and under "care pages" at the top click on "visit". Type: clairebear4 and meet sweet, sweet Claire. God has given this treasure from heaven the incredible gift of taking you in and completely captivating your undivided attention. Feel free to leave a note of encouragement to her parents and by all means share a prayer. Please add Claire and her family to your prayer list and share with others who pray!

Be Safe Out There! Okay, now where did we put that doggie shovel?

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