Friday, August 03, 2007

Hail the Graduating Osprey!

On Friday, August 10, 2007, William Casey Carter will receive his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. Go Ospreys! To say we're proud of our son's accomplishment would be an understatement. We can't wait to watch him to take that walk and accept his hard earned diploma.

Engineering is tough! My Bachelor's degree is in communications but trust me, Casey's college studies have been more like my graduate studies. Like his maternal grandfather before him, Casey accepted and rose to the challenge of his chosen discipline with passion, commitment and a hard work ethic. Casey has worked his entire four years of college. Unlike many college students today, he has not had a "blank check" or an unlimited "Visa" card provided by Mom and Dad. He worked and kept a full load of classes just like we did in college and graduate school. Even if we had been able to pay for all of his college and living expenses we would've never done it. Learning to be fiscally responsible while in college (if not before) is great preparation for life in the real world. Too many kids graduate today from college and remain financially and emotionally dependent upon their parents producing a generation who is irresponsible, unrealistic, co-dependent, ungrateful and unable to make it on their own. Aside from his faith development, part of our role as parents has been to help Casey become a healthy, responsible and productive citizen. Casey will always have our support, but deep down inside he knows that he is able to stand on his own by the grace of God. Before he was born, God had His design on Casey's DNA. He has been fashioned and formed through the love of God.
To say we are proud of our children doesn't begin to cover it. No, we have never said our children are perfect. Far from it. We weren't those kind of parents and we still aren't. We know our children's warts, shortcomings and failings just as we know our own. We have always believed that both of our children (Casey and Sarah) have been gifted, called and prepared by God for whatever He has in store for them.
It's been a very difficult final semester for Casey. There have been some valley's and desert wanderings, but he has emerged stronger and wiser. He has learned valuable life lessons while at UNF. We have watched him grow in so many ways. We are so very pleased with Casey and the person he's become. We can't wait to see what God has in store for his future. We love you Chubs, always have and always will! Yes, you and Sarah are special to us because you are gifts from God. Love, Mom and Dad (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139)
P.S. The graduation gift and family vacation is going to be absolutely awesome!

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