Monday, January 14, 2008

Go see the "Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It is vintage Nicholson. Yeah, I know some of the reviews came back less than stellar, but anyone 40+will be moved by this journey toward death that begins among total strangers. More than once during this movie I found myself wiping big crocodile tears from my eyes. Maybe it's my age and the fact that this side of 40 you begin thinking more about what you have or haven't done as the years get closer than you think about ALL the time you have ahead of you at 40 and under. Be prepared for a surprise ending that will make you cry, smile and think!

And no, I don't endorse every word, idea, or thought in the movie! Please spare me if you're going to take the road of the movie morality police about scenes or words in a movie that doesn't avoid the dark times and tough places we all face at some point in life. Be encouraged about the subtle introduction of a conversation the two characters have about a life based on faith while cruising the globe at 40,000 feet between last wishes. The movie asks the question: What do you want to do, experience or accomplish before you die (kick the bucket)? If you are reasonably healthy, a more appropriate post-viewing question for reflection might be, what are you going to do with the incredible amount of time you have left on earth for living? Jesus said He came to give His followers an abundant or full life. Lord, fill me with a life of meaning, purpose, and laughter. Give me the confidence to really live in Your idea of fullness, and the courage to let go of those things that fulfill calendars, but not Your will!

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