Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Tragedy On Earth, A Song for Heaven

Life is precious and short! When you're a child or teen it seems as though it will never end, but for the rest of us it's flying at an incredible pace. And as it flies we can lose track of precious people on the journey. Throughout our life journey God graces us with relationships and very special people. Even though time, geography and our respective journey's take different roads these relationships and people can leave indelible marks on our lives.

Leslye Mason Robertson was one of those people. Leslye was killed last week near Frankfort, Kentucky where she lived. She was killed in a head-on collision with a semi-trailer. The driver has since been charged with DUI, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. Leslye was only 41-years old. She leaves a husband and teenage daughter. Her funeral is today in Kentucky.

Many years ago we served with her and her parents, Bob and Judy during our first church staff position while in seminary. Her mother was on the search committee that took a chance on a young seminarian to lead their youth ministry. Leslye was always eager and willing to help with our youth ministry. She was a real trooper, someone you could count on as a leader. Her sense of humor, age and hands-on experience made her an ideal youth leader. During those years, people her age were either making the party scene, or trying to find a future mate. However, Leslye was more likely to be found helping on a youth retreat, mission trip, directing a children's musical, or serving the church in some capacity. We knew her before she married, but her passion for music and worship had only increased over the years. As I understand it, she was driving home from church choir practice when she was killed.

Her life mattered. She will be missed, especially by her husband, daughter, parents, family and community. The tragic circumstances surrounding her death were senseless. We mourn with those who mourn. We pray Paul's words of comfort in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 for the family and all who mourn Leslye's death. We must trust the Father and lean on the hope we have in Him declared by the prophet in a very dark time long ago (Lamentations 3:21-23). And we trust God's Word that describes His view of such tragic events to those who love and claim Him as Lord: "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." (Psalm 116:15)

If I know Leslye she is busy praising God and working with the children's choir in heaven. Rest sister in Christ, your earthly labors are over, rejoice in your rewards in the presence of the Father!

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