Thursday, May 08, 2008

John's Mom and Yours

18-year old John Challis was supposed to be dead two years ago from cancer.  His valiant battle, mission and story should remind all of us, regardless of the load we carry, that we have a purpose. You can read about John's incredible outlook on life at the link below from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

As Mother's Day weekend arrives, I'll bet John's mother is as proud as a mother can be of her son.  She has shared her gift from God with the rest of the world.  Many would be tempted to keep him all to themselves as cancer eats away his precious life clock.  She has made a sacrifice to share him at such a critical time.  She will sacrifice again as his 93 pound frame gets smaller and smaller.

Mother's routinely make personal sacrifices for their children.  Both of our mother's and my wife have made more than their fair share of sacrifices for their kids.  I'm indebted to all three of these women and the beneficiary of many of their sacrifices.  Ann, Donna and Terese, embody the unconditional, sacrificial and tenacious kind of love that only comes from a mother.  
As a pastor, I'm well aware through deep personal conversations that not everyone can say that about their mother. After all, we do live in a depraved and fallen world. If that was your experience I'm so sorry. However, let me encourage you to be the kind of mother that you wanted and needed. Even if you don't have children, you can still provide that kind of love and nurture to someone God has placed in your life.  And hopefully, like John Challis, you will live out your purpose and be part of something much larger than yourself.

Happy Mother's Day to John's Mom and mothers everywhere!

p.s.  Call your Mom this weekend.  If she's no longer living thank God for the gift of life she gave you.  

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