Sunday, August 01, 2010

A Precious Gift

According to the national organ donor website
every day there are 77 organ transplant operations in the U.S. However, 19 people die every day while awaiting an organ transplant. There is a shortage of organ donors. The national organ donor waiting list is just over 108,000.

It's a simple box on your driver's license. You can make a huge difference simply by checking it. You can give life by donating your organs upon your death. Choose life!

For more information go to the Donate Life website in your state.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Over half of the 108,000 Americans on the national transplant waiting list will die before they get a transplant. Most of these deaths are needless. Americans bury or cremate about 20,000 transplantable organs every year. Over 9,000 of our neighbors suffer and die needlessly every year as a result.

There is a simple way to put a big dent in the organ shortage -- give organs first to people who have agreed to donate their own organs when they die.

Giving organs first to organ donors will convince more people to register as organ donors. It will also make the organ allocation system fairer. People who aren't willing to share the gift of life should go to the back of the waiting list as long as there is a shortage of organs.

Anyone who wants to donate their organs to others who have agreed to donate theirs can join LifeSharers. LifeSharers is a non-profit network of organ donors who agree to offer their organs first to other organ donors when they die. Membership is free at or by calling 1-888-ORGAN88. There is no age limit, parents can enroll their minor children, and no one is excluded due to any pre-existing medical condition. LifeSharers has over 14,000 members, including members in all 50 states.

David J. Undis
Executive Director