Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The 5% Principle

Pastor and leadership author Wayne Cordeiro introduces the 5% Principle in his book,  The Divine Mentor.  Cordeiro believes that 85% of what we do in life anyone can do.  It doesn't require special skills, education, training, or expertise.  And 10% of what we all do can be accomplished by anyone else with a little training, or education.  And then there's the remaining 5%:

But 5 percent of what I do, only I can do!  This is the most important 5 percent for me.  I can't delegate these initiatives to anyone else.  I can't hire someone else to take my place in any of these activities because they require that I be there!  This 5 percent will determine the validity of the other 95 percent.  
Every person has his/her own 5% that is unique to them.  For example in my life no one else can be a father to my children.  I am their Dad and only I can do it.  So parenting my children is unique to my 5%.  Other people can parent, but they can't parent my children.  Cordeiro says the principle applies to us whether we are married, single, widowed, old, young, empty-nesters, or living with a house full of kids.

What is your 5%?  What part of your life is unique to you?  Mowing my yard isn't part of my 5%.  Anyone can mow my yard, that's in the 85%.  But only I am married to my wife.  While sometimes it's tempting for us to "hire out" our spousal responsibilities,  the truth is that I am the only one who can be present for me in my marriage.  Get the idea?  What makes you, you?

Too many times I focus on the 85 or 10 percent of life.  I allow them to shape and form my response and responsibility for my 5%.  That is completely backwards.  The 5% is the most important.  It should shape and form my 85%.  Cordeiro says that our choice of what is most important will shape our soul.

What is most important to you?  Career, promotions, money, popularity, and achievements won't matter one inch when we stop breathing.  But the 5% will.  So go ahead grab a piece of paper and start a short list of those 3-5 things that make you, you.  Invest and work on the 5% and you will be amazed how the rest of it falls into place.  If your a Christ-follower be sure to pray about it and ask God to sign off on your 5%.

1 comment:

Deb Weaver said...

Thought-provoking statistic! Satan and the pace of life would do anything to pull us from that 5%, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.