Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Price Is Right!

"The Price is Right" television game show has been on the air for 35+ years. It is the longest continually running TV game show.   It started in the 70's with Bob Barker and continues today with host, Drew Carey.  Everyone knows those famous words the announcer harkens after calling out a contestants name, "Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn down!" The idea is to get as close as you can to the M.S.R.P of a featured good or item.

It occurred to me that many of us live our lives by the mantra, "The Price Is Right."  We make decisions based upon price.  Ask consumers the most important consideration for a good, product or service and the overwhelming response is "price".  Quality, reputation, and value are important, but we live in a price consumed culture.  If we didn't there would be fewer giant box stores, U.S. manufacturers wouldn't move overseas and China wouldn't  account for nearly 20% of all U.S. imported goods.  We are consumed with price.

"The Price is Right," seems to be what we've settled for in Christianity.  How can I get all of God's benefits for the smallest amount of effort, expense, and output?  Can I publicly acknowledge Christ, get baptized, regularly attend church, be part of a small group/S.S. class and serve as I'm able and still receive the benefits of heaven?  Before you respond or answer think about the costs Jesus talked about of following Him:
  • Self-denial, cross-bearing and personal sacrifice (Matt. 16:24-25)
  • Renounce all that we have (Luke 14:33)
  • Obedience (John 15:1)
  • Unconditional love for all people (John 15:10)
  • Popularity (being liked by the world) (John 15:18)
  • Persecution (John 15:20)
  • Being tempted/sifted by Satan (Luke 22:31)
  • The right to get even (Matt. 5:39)
  • Family relationships (Luke 14:26)
I fear American Christians have settled for cheap grace.  Give us the greatest value for the least amount.  

It's Lent and I'm really praying and thinking about the cost I've been paying compared to the cost Jesus paid at Calvary as we make our way toward Holy Week.  Remember when Jesus went to the garden to pray and He asked the disciples to remain and pray?  He came back not once, but three times and each time they had fallen asleep.  He simply asked, "Can't you guys stay awake to watch and pray with me for one hour?"  The cost for the disciples on that night was a little sleep.  They weren't willing to pay it. And yet by the end of most of their lives they paid considerably for following Jesus.  They figured it out and everything He had said in life suddenly made sense after His death.  

We know the whole story and yet many times we never figure it out.  We continue to pay the least hoping for the best.  Note to self: Stay awake, wait, watch and pray with the Lord.  And remember it's gonna cost a lot and it should!

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