Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Heart Flooded With Grace.....

A heart flooded with grace………

Knows no limit to gratitude
Never seeks to get even
Looks for the best in others, even when they are at their worst
Serves because it is so filled with the things of God
Cherishes every single moment of life as a gift
Grants forgiveness
Promotes others
Walks humbly before God and others
Practices reconciliation
Loves unconditionally
Washes feet
Is filled with awe and wonder
Stands amazed at the presence of God
Knows how to make peace
Responds to such freedom with great responsibility
Cannot help but share it with others
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to practice grace-giving.  Go ahead and give up some grace to friends, family, and people you meet as you travel, shop, visit, etc.,  Enjoy the holiday and make someone else's by give up some grace!

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