Monday, January 13, 2014

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

There's a popular line uttered by Tom Cruise's character in the movie, A Few Good Men.  Cruise's character, Naval lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee keeps getting bad news in his effort to defend two U.S. Marines charged with the murder of a fellow Marine stationed at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.  As the investigation gets more complicated in his effort to mount a defense Lt. Kaffee proclaims: "And the hits just keep on coming."

Ever feel like that?  Usually it works like this:  Your hot water heater dies, the baby gets an ear infection, you forget to pay a monthly bill and it's turned over for collection, your boss doubles your workload without a salary increase, and your neighbor put his new fence on your property.   And it all happens over a two-week period!  It's enough to make you hit the eject button, run away, or go into hiding.

Guess what?  The hits will continue to come as long as we're in an earth suit.  Such is the fate of living in a fallen a world.  Some days are worse than others.  When this stuff piles up it can have a cumulative effect and begin to affect nearly every relationship we have.  Unfortunately, those closest to us seem to catch the brunt of it.  You can only take so much for so long.

This is why we need healthy coping outlets and relationships in our lives.  Exercise, healthy sleep and eating habits, a good friend, and the ability to unwind, unplug, get away, or retreat is essential for coping in a "hits" barrage.  Bad eating habits, a lack of exercise, interrupted sleep, increased alcohol and drug use can make a hits barrage feel like a nuclear warhead hit your soul.  And none of us is immune!

My last hits bombardment really blew a hole in my soul.  I know what to do when the hits keep coming, but it was as if I was paralyzed and unable to get up.  For me, journaling, reading, and talking things through with close friends and family helped me to get a handle on what was happening.  I was also able to get some distance from it, which allowed me to catch up emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.  As I got some distance my perspective changed.  The situation did not, but I started to realize all the good things in my life despite the latest "hits".

Perspective can be a great teacher.   The late Kentucky governor and former baseball commissioner, A.B. Happy Chandler used to say, "Every day is a good day, it's just that some are better than others."

Don't lose heart if you are feeling the hits.  Press into healthy habits, call a close friend, dig into God's Word, take a walk, journal, pray, work out, fish, golf, and do whatever you've got to do to replenish, renew and recharge your batteries.  There's only one of you and YOU have got to be the one responsible for your care!

Two great Kevlar promises from God when you are under fire:  Isaiah 43:2; Ephesians 6:10-20

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