Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Journey So Far.....

At the end of March, I resigned as lead pastor of the church that we planted in the Upstate of SC nearly 12 years ago.  I was three Sunday's shy of the 12-year mark.  While it caught most of leadership and members by surprise I left on good terms.  Many did not understand, or were hurt and I get that because unless you walk in these shoes it's really hard to appreciate this view or take.  Then and now, I remain at great peace.  It was the right call at the right time for the right reasons.  At the time I had no idea how emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausted I was.  The first two weeks I slept 8-9 hours a night!  For years I've only gotten 5-6 hours of sleep a night!  My body was affirming the decision we made in March.  It was obvious that I was carrying a heavier load the last 12 years than I realized.

During those twelve years I never had a sabbatical, or an extended break beyond vacation.  Small churches have limited resources and it just isn't possible.  Kudos to the churches that recognize the need for rest, rejuvenation, replenishment and extended professional growth/development opportunities for ministerial staff and budget it.  It's an investment that extends the life of the minister and ultimately makes the individual and church stronger!

In the last five of those 12 years we personally experienced:  two major surgeries for me; cancer and treatment that included chemo and radiation; two surgeries for my wife; the divorce of a child; euthanizing a beloved pet due to cancer; a 12 % salary cut; a child graduating from college and returning home; the suicide of a family member and a job change for my wife after nine years.  And this doesn't include the daily grind of the pastorate, or the normal every day family related stress we all experience.

I'm not writing this to illicit pity, or sorrow!  I am not "poor-mouthing" or trying to build a case for the saddest story.   Everyone I know is either coming out of a life battle, or entering one whether they realize it or not.  I have and continue to be extremely blessed.  Our story isn't the best, or the worst.   However, our story is a testimony to the grace, strength, comfort, correction and provision of a holy and grace-giving God!  At this point in our lives I can't imagine where we would be without Him.  He has sustained, provided, encouraged, protected and led us far beyond where we would be had we been on our own.  I have no doubt we would be rock bottom without Him.  And that is probably the entire point of this blog entry.  Through this season of transition we have been reminded that:
  • God sustains.
  • God provides.
  • God shelters.
  • God protects.
  • God heals.
  • God loves.
  • God encourages.
  • God comforts.
  • God leads.
  • God corrects, rebukes and disciplines.
  • And God is there even when we think He has left. 
I don't know what He has planned for the next ministry/vocational season, but I know He is already ahead of us working and preparing it so it will be just right.  In the meantime I am going to be sharing some observations and lessons I've learned about the church and ministers in future blog entries.  I continue to wait, watch and pray.  

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