Thursday, September 21, 2006

To The Person Who Stole From Our Church

Dear Thief:

I wish I could use a different title to greet you, but that’s what you are—a common, every day, petty thief. Did you know when you broke into our storage building that you not only violated the people who represent Mosaic, but you violated God? You stole from the very people God has called and entrusted to do His work, the New Testament church. Perhaps you don’t understand how important the church is to God. The church is part of the divine plan. His only Son, Jesus Christ willingly gave His life so the church might be presented to God as pure, blameless and without blemish. Jesus is described as the bridegroom and the church is His bride. So you insulted Jesus’ wife! I don’t have a storage building, but it would have been better for you, had you broken into mine instead of God’s.

I can’t imagine the desperate circumstance that forced you to steal from a church. Was it:

· drugs, or another addiction
· divorce
· the loss of a job
· mismanagement of funds due to poor decisions
· a rare medical need, or a child in need

Perhaps you simply did it out of spite, meanness, or anger. Did you know you didn’t need to do it? Our church is known for its heart for people. We really believe God called us to help the broken, wounded and hurting. That’s why we would’ve given you the new weed eater, blower, and portable gas grill if you had asked for them.

By the way, we’re not mad at you! We ache for you, we pray for you and desperately want you to experience the unconditional love and grace of God. I hope you got the estimated $650 we valued the stolen goods to be. If not, you got cheated and settled for way less. Perhaps that’s the whole point….you have settled for less your whole life---less, than your life potential, gifts and talents. Less than what God desires for you. That must be a terrible weight to carry.

I hope you are making good use of the weed eater and the next time you are tempted to break into a church, let me suggest you call first and use the front door. Chances are we’ll not only let you in, but help you carry the stuff out, or meet your need in a more direct way. I hope you get all this straightened out with God before it’s too late. Because God will get what’s His, history and scripture bear witness to that fact. Be safe and sleep well!

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