Tuesday, June 01, 2010

It's Not My Day!

Today is not my day to hear your complaint, gripe, saga or drama. I am not wearing a sign that says, “dump your garbage here,” because I’ve got enough of my own.

It’s not my day to hear how bad your life is when everyone we meet is carrying a heavy load and most of them are much heavier than yours or mine.

It’s not my day to hear about your trials and complaints that are the direct result of decisions you’ve made. Accept some responsibility. I refuse to be an enabler.

It’s not my day in the hole of despair and the pit of complaint.

It’s not my day for whining, whimpering, or wringing of the hands.

It’s not my day for your stinging criticism of others because you are always right and they are always wrong.

It’s not my day to receive your abuse and further enable you.

It’s not my day to give a fair hearing to self-consumed people who callously disregard the genuine needs, hurts and pains of those around them because everything is about them.

It’s not my day to board the train of self-pity that passes by and never stops for those who are genuinely wounded, broken, and hurting.

It’s not my day to sit with someone who refuses to apologize, or admit that they really don’t know everything and just might be wrong.

It’s not my day clean up your mess when I’ve got my own pile awaiting my attention.

It’s not my day to accept half-truths and lies that have been told so long you actually believe them.

It’s not my day to solve or “fix” the ills of local, state and federal governments. I have far more questions than answers and I really do believe that our government ills will take hard work, time and candid conversation that focus on solutions instead of politics.

But Lord, it’s not my day! Yes Lord, I understand and I remember….Yes Lord, it’s the least I can do in light of what you’ve done for me through Jesus.

Okay, it’s my day so pour out your complaints, pains, problems, frustrations and laments. I can’t “fix it”, but I know the One who can. The Psalmist did too:

With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord. 2 I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. (Ps. 142.1-2)

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