Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Everything Is Beautfiul

In 1970 niche/novelty (The Streak, Ahab the Arab, etc.,) songwriter and singer, Ray Stevens recorded a serious song that became a staple of his show and earned him a grammy.  The song, Everything Is Beautiful, begins with a children's choir singing, "Jesus Loves the Little Children":

Jesus loves the little children
All the little children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Everything is beautiful

In its' own way
Like a starry summer night
Or a snow covered winter's day
Everybody's beautiful
In their own way
Under God's heaven
The world's gonna find a way

Ray Stevens is right.  Everything is beautiful in its own way.  Everything and every person has something beautiful or good within.  It may be buried in a shroud of depression, anger, and darkness, but deep within there is something good.  Even flawed characters have a soft spot.  Easy strict biblicists.  I am not saying humans are without sin, but I am saying that humanity was created in the image of God.  Maybe I should say we all have the capacity for good.  My paternal grandmother often said that every person has one redeeming quality.  I think it was her way of steering conversations away from gossip and talking "about" other people.

Humans tend to focus on the negative, ugly, or the bad in people and situations.  Think about it.  There are more negative headlines than positive/good ones.  We would be better served if we sought the best in every person or situation.  After all, would we prefer people focus on our individual faults and shortcomings, or our potential?

There was a very difficult and powerful man in a former church.  He was very controlling behind the scenes.  He used his influence and power to go against a lot of things and people.  However, bring up the subject of children and his eyes lit up.  If there was a program, or idea that was going to help children his generosity smothered it.  His "sweet/good" spot was kids and needy families.  As I reflect on those days I regret the fact that I focused more on the difficulty of his personality instead of the positives.

We need to celebrate the promise and positive attributes in people even if we have to dig for it.  When we do, we live out Jesus' command that we love others in light of our love for God.  Loving others without conditions seeks the best in them.  Jesus loves us despite our faults and flaws.  He sees beyond them and knows our potential to love others in the same way.  He calls and commands us to do the same.

34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”       (John 13:34-35)

(Photo of Ray Stevens by Bryan Bedder/Getty's)

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