Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Brat In the Room & Our Sarah

I was sitting in Starbucks, putting the finishing touches on some teaching notes when he arrived with all the subtlety of a bulldozer crashing through the foyer of a mortuary moments before a funeral.  Actually he ran by screaming at the top of his lungs, with toys in tow as his mother and grandmother chased him and further enabled his obviously established role as the "spoiled brat".  Trust me, it wasn't just my take.  After he screamed his drink demands toward his mother, the barista's behind the counter looked at one another with an expression that ought to be framed for future employee training.  The expression was as if to say, "Here is the appropriate facial response when someone let's their child disrupt an entire business and thinks it's cute.   The guy across from me, previously engrossed in his Blackberry was clearly annoyed at the afternoon distraction.   He frowned with every high-pitched squeal before finally surrendering and walking out the door.  His drink was still full when he left it where he sat.  I should probably point out that this particular Starbucks is very "kid friendly". However, this little tyrant probably ruined it for anyone else walking in with children after his much welcomed and "not soon enough" departure.  

Why don't parents discipline their children anymore?  The restroom was only several feet away and a private attitude adjustment could've been accomplished in a matter of minutes.  It was obvious that the mother probably spends the greater portion of her day chasing him, while trying to gently refute his running, screaming and selfish demands all of which increased with each attempt of parental correction.   The doting, enabling pair validated his control of the situation by noting how cute he was with each verbal demand.  Funny, no one else in the place was laughing, or even smiling.  How sad because who among us hasn't smiled at a young child with their parents in public?  His behavior could only be contrasted by the toddler who followed the "wild child's" exit and was a model of cheer, manners, obedience and restraint, but was still all child.  

It's been many years since we had a child his age in our house. But thanks be to God that when we did, neither of our children had a pattern of such behavior.  And no, neither of our children was, or is perfect!  We had one public episode with each child.  A quick trip outside, or to the restroom insured that such outbursts would not be tolerated in the future.  And with much love, consistent correction, respect, creativity and the grace of God, we didn't have to fight the battle that comes with strong-willed children and parents who refuse to lead.  Oh yeah, both of our children had strong wills, but we knew we were the parents.  And we made a lot of mistakes they accepted with much grace.

This week our baby girl graduates from high school!  Congratulations sis!  Congratulations on a 4.0 senior year and your admission to Winthrop University!  Mom and I are so proud of the young woman you've become.  Since your birth (the same with brother) when we dedicated you to the Lord, we have always thanked God for you and prayed that you would do more than profess Him as Lord, but that you would follow Him.  You have always been a source of great joy and your presence has enriched our family.  You made us better parents and people!  Your zest and passion for life encourages us.  Your strong commitment to live out your morals, beliefs and values is a testimony to your character.  One of the greatest things we could say about you is that we trust you deeply.  We marvel at your ability to keep confidences.  You are indeed special, and as you know it's not because of us, or your own merit.  It's always and only been because you are a "gift from God".  My how many years have you heard those words now?  
We are so grateful to God for the gift of YOU!  As you begin your final journey into adulthood, remember a few of our favorites through the years:
  • Be a lady in ALL circumstances.
  • Never be fooled by a kiss, and never let a fool kiss you.
  • LOVE people, even the difficult ones.
  • Your are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139).
  • You are a gift from God.
  • Remember WHOSE you are.
  • Please God, not people.
  • Always do your best even when you don't feel like it, or no one else is doing it.
  • SERVE more and take less.
  • Live, Love, Laugh and Learn.
We love you very much little PK, and we can't wait to see what God has in store for your future and His purposes.  With much love, Mom and Dad

P.S.  Oh yeah, thanks for not being a brat and making our job as parents easier than most!

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