Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Super Glue God

As we wrapped up a five-week teaching series on Sunday, we considered God's faithfulness.  We looked at just a small sampling from God's Word that backs up His never-forsaking presence toward His children, those of us who call Jesus, Lord.  Someone has said, "God is most attentive when He seems most absent."  

If the history of God's people proves one thing, it's that God is not an abandoning God.  He is a God of presence, even when the journey seems dark and uncertain.   Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, David, Esther, Joseph & Mary, and Paul are just a few of the biblical examples of God's constant presence in tough circumstances.  There are too many biblical examples to mention here.  

Need a more recent example of God's faithfulness?  There have been some dark days during my medical journey the last four months and God was as the psalmist put it: "a very present help in trouble" (Ps. 46).  Bookshelves are filled with stories of people who testify to God's presence in good times and bad.  God's people know it full well, it's just that sometimes, like the prophet Elijah standing on a mountain (1 Kings 19), we need to be reminded of God's presence.

Late Sunday afternoon, we were once again reminded of God's presence and protection.  This is my friend Callie.  She is three years old.  I've had the privilege of being a part of her life.  I was there for her birth and remember the day her parents and I stood before God, and our faith community to dedicate her life to God.  Callie, had slipped into the pool without her life vest and was floating when her big sister alerted everyone.  She was blue and full of water.  Quick thinking parents and family were able to revive her and help her to begin throwing up the water before EMS arrived.  She was taken to ER and was kept overnight for observation.  When I left the ER she was eating some hot french fries and feeling much better.  

Pastor's are to provide comfort and steadiness in times of crisis.  I was able to do that at the hospital.  However, as I was driving home I was overcome with tears at the thought of what almost happened to Callie.   Immediately I began to thank God for His presence and providence.  As I said to Callie, as she sat in her Mom's arms in the ER, "God has big plans for you Miss Callie."  I believe that with all my heart.  Thank you God for watching over Callie and her family Sunday.  Thank you for your presence that doesn't waffle or wane when our lives are in trouble or unmanageable because of choices we've made, or the result of someone else's choices and behavior.  Thank you for being a God who sticks to us better than Super Glue!   


Anonymous said...

What human words can really (I mean, REALLY) convey the thankfulness that is exploding from my heart at this moment? There are none. And so I am thankful that the Holy Spirit can covey what my words can not.

Sending prayers and love for the entire family.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Callie's family was on my mind yesterday and heavy in my prayers last night, I had no idea the situation they were dealing with, just felt the need for prayer. Praise! Praise! Praise!

Love and miss you guys!
Dena S.