Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Your Giant Jellyfish

Have you heard about the giant jellyfish attacking the fishing waters of Japan? Nearly all of the northern coasts of the Japanese islands are swamped with giant jellyfish. It’s killing the fishing industry.

Each one is about 400 lbs! There are so many that fishermen can’t even fish because they are spending all their fishing hours clearing out the giant invaders. The commercial fishing industry is drowning in giant jellyfish.

One company is trying to help the fishing industry by turning the problem into an opportunity. A company called Riken is exploring ways to use the jellyfish. Jellyfish are covered with mucus similar to the mucus found in the human body. Researchers have discovered a “pure” form of mucus that helps trap bacteria and other irritants. Researchers say the giant blobs are like a huge, primitive swimming stomach. They are working on developing things like artificial gastric fluids and saliva to help human related conditions.

Christ-followers often experience similar problems. We can’t fish because of giant obstructions. So we spend all our time discussing, or lamenting the problem instead of seeking creative ways to deal with them. How many times have you heard a church limit its vision for ministry because of a lack of finances or people? How many times do we allow life “stuff” to prevent us from exercising our faith?

Henry Blackaby writes, “You may be a Christian, but if your focus is always on your problems, your problems will determine the direction of your life….When you choose to focus on Christ, you invite Him to take the most important position in your life as Counselor and Defender.”

Christ-followers are no more immune to life junk and problems than anyone else. In fact a good case could be made that if you are trying to follow Jesus you’ll actually have more. At any rate, we should focus on Christ. When we encounter trouble or challenges we need to explore where God is working and go there. It might not always be the easiest route either. However, God is the ultimate entrepreneur. His Word is full of stories where He took impossible situations or problems and used them as opportunities to share His love with a broken world. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. The writer of Hebrews encourages us to “fix our eyes on Jesus…..” Now that’s a great place to start the next time you encounter your giant jellyfish!

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