Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Randoms: PET Scan & Pastor Appreciation Blog

PET Day:

Tomorrow is my mid-treatment PET scan. PET stands for positron emission tomography. A PET allows doctors to see how the organs and tissues inside our bodies are working. The PET also helps doctors assess, or analyze how treatment, like chemo, is working.

A PET is a form of nuclear medicine. A nurse or tech injects you with a tracer (radioactive chemical) which travels through the body and is absorbed by the tissues and organs being examined. The PET gives my doctors a 3-dimensional picture and will help my oncologist determine the next step of my treatment plan. Regardless of my PET results one thing is constant and sure: God is glorious and worthy of our praise!

Dr. Michael Catt is pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia. The name of the church may sound familiar because they produced the movies, "Facing the Giants," "Fireproof", "Flywheel", and "Courageous". As a PK and pastor I must admit that his latest blog on Pastor Appreciation is on target and humorous. Most interesting was his admission that the church lost 800 members during his first 10 years! So glad leadership were more focused on the big picture of what was happening in their church! Click the link below to catch his blog:


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