Friday, October 14, 2011

To Be Known, Touched and Loved

One of the deepest needs humans in pain, trouble, and struggle have is to be known (presence) and to be loved. Another need equally as strong is to be touched. It's hard to say which of these is the most difficult for some people to do toward others. It depends how you are wired as to which of these is most difficult. That said, I would rather be sincerely touched and affirmed by someone who struggles with it than I would by someone who is going through the motions and isn't the least bit sincere about it. You know, people who are more concerned about appearing to "do the right thing" than actually doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Jesus knew the value of touch, presence and love. He practiced it regularly:
  • Mark 1:40-45 (the leper)
  • Matthew 9:28 (the blind)
  • Mark 7:33 (the deaf mute)
  • Matthew 8:15 (Peter's mother-in-law)
  • Matthew 17:6-8 (the disciples at the Transfiguration)
Who are you knowing, touching and loving? I believe it is impossible to be sincerely filled and rescued by Jesus Christ and then be unable, or unwilling to know, touch and love those Jesus knew, loved and touched. You will never know the difference it makes to the hurting. You can:
  • Simply Sit with them
  • Pray over them (and according to James 5 anoint and pray over them)
  • Touch them (hug, pat on the hand or back)
  • Send a card, email, text, or phone call but back it up with your presence (don't wait to see if they feel like it, there's some things you just do because it's the right thing to do!)
  • Take a meal to them
  • Eat with them
  • Tell them you love them in words and deeds
I'm indebted to the many people (both those I know and those far away I've never met) who have reached out and touched me through prayer and deep abiding love. Next week one of the strongest couples of prayer I know will be visiting our family from several states away. I can't wait to be anointed and prayed over by this godly couple and my family in the spirit of James 5.

Touch someone today in Jesus name!

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